- There were over 9000 Iraqi deaths in Desert Storm(estimiated). Many of the deaths were due to SCUD missiles and plane bombings.
- There was only 1 U.S. soldier reported MIA during the war. Which is surprising, only one out of thousands of troops was reported missing.
- Over 115,000 air troops were flown into Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
- The United States captured 70,000 enemy troops over the eight months that the war took place.
- The U.S. and Allied Forces lost 75 air planes, 63 U.S. and 12 Allied.
- Over 18,000 Fighter Jets were deployed all on June 17th, 1991.
- 500,000 passengers and nearly 600,000 tons of cargo were carried into the war zone on planes.
lowest estimated loss of iraqi troops was actually 100,000